Thursday, September 16, 2010

We Are Expecting!!!!!! For the Last Time!!!!

I have not had an entry in a while....many events, many revelations, some are sad, but mostly happy. Summer was fun, we went to the beach a lot...had our day @ Soak City and definitely soaked our selves for the whole day. We drove to L.A. a lot to attend reunions and see friends...went to 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica Pier (Chum Chum rode the carousel!!!), Rodeo Drive, walked along Hollywood Blvd, City Walk @Universal Studios, DisneyTown...,etc. It was a very hot, yet enjoyable summer!!!! I thought I was just overwhelmed with everything or just fatigued with work, feeling very haggard and tired all the, I have gone to the MD to see what's going on with my aging body...actually, I had an idea so I asked my diabetes MD to do some labs for me and I had done them a few days before I went to my primary MD...ok, muscle aches...tiredness...flu-like symptoms are not due to any primary MD tells me that "I am pregnant!!!" My hubby was in the room with me and we both laughed...yuppp, astonished of the news but happy. We thought Chummy would be the "Last of the Mohicans"...the last heir to the Saavedra throne, but little Pachongchong (our new baby's nick name) has arrived and is growing in my big stomach...Before finding out that I am pregnant, I did not even stomach was flat, no sign of pregnancy...and then after the announcement, my stomach just sprouted and has been expanding on a daily basis. Chummy and all the kids are excited, even Ysa Baduda...I have told the Familia as well and they're happy...actually, my sis in law, Mandy, is preggy as well...she might be having twins, too. My brother needs to have many kids to keep our family name growing...more boys!!! My pregnancy this time is different from when I was pregnant with chummy...the pains are different and I actually have morning sickness, nausea, and headaches this time particular food cravings, I'm actually not eating that appetite is very little for now, but I've gained about 7 lbs now...Lil' Pachongchong moves a lot and his heartbeat is like Iron Man's..glows whenever we do an ultrasound. Knowing that he/she has a heartbeat is a relief for Hubby and me. It's reassurance that lil' Pachongchong is fine...for now, I just have to take my meds...follow the MD's instructions, and try not to get sick (flu season is coming near!!!). My Chummy is happy to be a big sis to a baby brother or baby sister...6 moths to go...we can't wait!!! More news to come on my next blog.