Friday, April 9, 2010



I envy (actually a better word than envy is admire...) my know why??? He has been to most of the places I've listed on today's blog. He was/is a flight attendant and travelled all over the world...Europe one day and Asia the other. I would've been an adventurer if I was in his shoes then. He promised the kids and myself that when we get our passes from the airlines where he used to work at, we will travel the world to our heart's content (given that we have the means to do so, right?)...
(1) The Louve...this all started with "The Da Vinci Code". I read the book, is very fascinated by the whole concept of codes, messages, Leonardo Da Vinci and his art work, and the Holy Grail search. While reading the book, I felt like as if I was there actually witnessing the events of the book. I imagined myself looking at the Mona Lisa portrait and standing by the great glass pyramid. I'm astonished by how the two points of the pyramid meet and the thought of the Holy Grail possibly hidden beneath this pyramid...fictional??? or could this be true??? Hmmmmm...I've been to several museums in the U.S., but The Louve will definitely make my wish list. My brother Ernesto and his wife Amanda, went to The Louve on their European trip about 2 years ago and I was shrieking out of jealousy when I saw their pictures...they just warned me that one day is not enough to see everything and I want to see everything!!! I better plan now and plan strategically how the "fam" will handle The Louve.
(2) Aurora Borealis...I do not know much about Aurora Borealis, but began my fascination when I started searching for crop circles and alien sightings on the internet (ok, I know you're probably thinking now that I'm some weirdo, but I'm just fascinated and eager to discover new things)...I saw the pictures in the internet and I was blown and mesmerized... I do not know where exactly to go to see Aurora Borealis, but I think you'd have to go to certain elevation to have a good glimpse of the light show...I'm just captivated, you just don't know how much.

(3) StoneHedge...I've heard of it and seen pictures before and thought that Stonehedge is just a bunch of rocks (I had no idea what it was)...til I watched the History Channel one day and it featured StoneHedge. I wonder how mystical it'll feel to go there and see the formation of rocks. I heard that there is somekind of energy that envelopes you when you are within the StoneHedge formation...I'm soooo curious now and can't wait to finally experience it for myself.
(4) Machu Pichu...the name itself is very intriguing and when I saw the pictures I just wanted to jump into the first plane going to Urubamba Valley in Peru...I wonder how their people and civilization perished, they said smallpox or some epidemic caused the perish of the people of Machu Pichu...I can't wait to take pictures of this place, one day soon...very soon!!!
(5) The Great Wall of China...I am part-Chinese, my Grandpa Yim Boo (Lolo, Love in peace) is full Chinese. I spoke Chinese till I was about 9 years old when we moved from the Chinese School we were attending to an English-based school in the Philippines. I regret forgetting how to speak Chinese, I wish I still can especially now that I can use Chinese at work and out and about out there. I will go to school and learn the languange again, promise. My Grandpa Yim Boo almost sent my bro Ernesto and me to HongKong one summer, but finances were funny then and we never got to convince him to send us. We still have relatives there, from my Grandpa Yim's Chinese family, that we haven't seen. That would've been a perfect opportunity to keep in touch with my heritage and family and also a perfect time to visit The Great Wall of is a very long structure, imagine it being visible from a view in space. I'm sure I cannot walk the whole wall, but it sure is a satisfying feeling to be there and walk it's paved walkway. You know, I might as well visit the Chinese Terra Cota Guards when I go there....I collect figurines of them, I imagine that they all come to life on a full imaginative mind. Oh yeah, how can we not eat authentic Chinese cooking when we go there...the dumplings, pork buns, bean cakes, and tofuuuuu yummeeezzz!!! Again, I can't wait!!!
(6) The Grand Canyon ....ok, this destination will not be that difficult to reach and given the funny finances and available vacation time, I think the "fam" can go see the Grand Canyon. I was surprised that archeologists found fossils of dinosaurs, whales (yupppp, pre-historic old school whales that are huge), plants...I also want to go to Sedona, AZ. Tell they me that there is like a magnetic field of some sort when you go by the red hills in Sedona and that you should take a train ride around the canyons...yippey yah yey!!! This is possible to happen anytime soon...this summer??? will keep you updated with pictures.
(7) The Pyramids of Giza...ok, I seriously think that I lived in this time period (Egyptians building the pyramids). I'm soooo fascinated by how these pyramids are made, was it by man or by hmmmm..aliens??? I enjoy watching movies like "The Mummy ", because it was about this time period. The artifacts and the megalithic parents just visited Egypt and my stepdad fell off his camel (an experience he does not want to happen again, he said it hurted!!!)...I wonder if the pyramids are as wonderous if seen personally??? I guess we'll just have to find out.
(8) The Eiffel Tower... Paris, France...what more can you ask for??? OK, Hubby said that it's nice to be in Paris...lots of cafes, people are definitely different from here in the U.S., beautiful views...he said that you have to be there to explain the feeling of being in Paris. Eiffel is one of the limelights of being in Paris...who wouldn't want a picture by The Eiffel...and oh, my kitchen is decorated in the theme of The Eiffel Tower...yupppp, I have an Eiffel Tower clock, a glass Eiffel Tower virgin oil container, wall decors with my wine plaques and of course mi Papapiccolino's...
(9) The Turin Cathedral...Lent just passed and stories about Jesus was all over The History Channel and one feature was about the Shroud of Turin. They were trying to do a 3D image of Jesus Christ from the Shroud...amazing!!! The hair on my arms rose when the image of Jesus Christ showed up on 3D...I was dumb-founded at the same time was lost for words...I want to go to Duomo Di Torino (The Turin Cathedral) to see the is kept there. I really hope that I can see it...of course, we'd have to go to Italy...oh my. The Shroud of Turin will be the limelight of this trip to Italy, but there is sooooo much to see in Italy...sooo much!!! Hubby said that he has a very good friend in Rome who'll accomodate us...again, I can't wait to go....I can't wait to explore Italia. more to go.
(10) The Bamyan Buddha's... out of the 10 I've selected, this destination is the most difficult to see right now and for many years now...I have been fascinated with Buddha's since childhood...I collect them too. I saw this segment on The History Channel (again!!! Isn't it obvious that I watch History Channel a lot) about the Bamyan Buddha's. These Buddha's were the most beautiful sculptures in Afghanistan up until they were destroyed via blasting when the revolt and war started in Afghanistan. The picture above is from when it was already blasted, how pathetic and shameful to destroy such work...I cannot go see these Buddha's, because they are in Afghanistan (war zone). I will though, given the chance, see the Buddha's in China...Singapore...Vietnam...Bangkok...India...everywhere!!! I hope that these Buddha's can be restored and that war in this country will end...stop the insanity now.
Now that's my list...share with me where you would like to travel to. I would like to find out about other places...Until my next blog...

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