Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Our Miracle...The Last of the Mohicans

I waited 12 years to have another baby...It is true that no child is alike. Jesseca was quiet, a bookworm. MaVi is talkative, an adventurer. She is 2 years old, somewhat potty training and discovering the wonders of dinosaurs, Dora, and Hello Kitty. MaVi is the sweetest and most tempermental out of all our kids. She'll say "I Love You" a gazillion times and not get tired of saying it and she'll give you a funny but mischievous smirk that has a thousand interpretations...she is a carbon-copy of the "Big Chummy", her daddy...from her head to her toes to that distinct red map-like mark on the back of her neck, she is every bit a Saavedra. MaVi is our miracle baby, she almost did not make it to this world. My many scares of miscarriages and hospitalizations...but Thank God that she's here with us to love and we all indeed love love the Mav Mav...
I'm very excited to start this, to finally be able to document the many thoughts and on-goings of my life, my family...though very simple, I'm able to share with you my genuine life...the best are yet to come and be blogged!!!

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