Friday, April 9, 2010


Jesseca Marysa Chin Aquino aka Ysa Baduda Boboinch My Gurl Anak is grown, graduating from Junior High this June and about to enter High School life. I cannot believe that she is grown...finally fulfilling her love to play the guitar, growing her hair-out, being a young lady. What happened to my lil' Boboinch who used to tell me the planets in our solar system by memory at the age of 2...who started preschool and reading at 2...who memorized the song from "Titanic" at the age of 2...who brought "dilis" fish to preschool and told everyone that it's french fries...who wore hairbands with bunny ears and tiaras everyday for about two weeks (she said it was just a phase)...she is the most loving, understanding, patient, intelligent, hard-working, sweetest (and many more) daughter MaVi, I love my Ysa Boboinch soooo much. I miss her (in San Francisco, going to school there)...but we will see each other come summer...for now, I have these new pictures to look at...she's so cute and silly...a goofball like her mommeee!!! My tribute to my Gurl Genius!!! Congratulations on the First Honors @ School of the Epiphany Class of 2010...Good Job and have fun in high school, don't grow up too quick!!! Love U:D

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